Uchuu Keiji Gavan translated in English as Space Sheriff Gavan, is the first of the Metal Hero Series. It aired on TV Asahi from 5 March 1982 through February 25, 1983
Episode : 1-44
Dialogue : Japanese
Subtitle : English/Chinese/Off
Disc : 7
Audio : Dolby Digital 2.0
Video : 4:3 Letter Box
Live-action TV Series
Earth is invaded by the Makuu Empire (literally "demon space"), led by Don Horror, who had first destroyed a space colony near Earth. Don Horror wants to dominate the whole universe, and the Earth represents an obstacle that he has to overcome, but not necessarily destroying it. To do this, Don Horror sends spaceships to create panic on Earth. While the Makuu is trying to impose its domination, Space Sheriff Gavan from the Galactic Union Patrol, arrives in his spaceship, the Dolgiran. He comes from the Bird Planet, the planet where Space Sheriffs are trained and where they are stationed while on call. Gavan is asked to defend the Earth, which is his mother's planet of origin.
Gavan is helped by Mimi, the daughter of Commander Qom, and is given information by Qom, assisted by Marin on his home planet. Gavan goes to Earth to defend it against Don Horror and his devilish schemes. He settles on Earth incognito, using his actual human name, Retsu Ichijouji; he takes a job at the Avalon Youth Club in Japan.
Episode list
1.The Strange Fortress Beneath Tokyo
2.The Stolen Japanese Islands
3.It's Major! Stop Dr. Kuroboshi's BEM Project
4.The Majin Helmet That Calls Big Time
5.Mimi Cries; The Deadly Poison Cobra Bullet Hits Retsu
6.The Geniuses of the Makuu School
7.A Monster Hides, a Girl Kissed a Petal
8.Justice or Demon? The Silver-Masked Great Hero
9.The Beautiful Puppet Spy
10.Crush the Human Crusher Corps!
11.Is Father Alive? The Mysterious SOS Signal
12.Express to the Theme Park! UFO Boys' Big Pinch
13.Danger, Retsu! The Great Reversal
14.A Parting of Love And Sadness, The Final Blow
15.Illusion? Shadow? Makuu City
16.My First Love is a Jewel's Radiance; Goodbye, Galaxy Express
17.The Running Time Bomb! The Bad Guy Who Rode a Police Bike
18.Princess Contest, Nonsense Ryuuguu Castle
19.Jouchaku at 6:00 AM! Z Beam Charge Complete
20.The Mysterious? Emergency Hospital! Humanity's Great Collapse Approaches
21.The Dancing, Prickly Great Pinch: Operation Honey!
22.Golden Mask and Younger Sister: The Yacht Running Toward the Sun
23.The Beauty's Cries That Cut Through the Night! The Phantom Coach in the Fog
24.Mimi's Nightmare!? The Howling, Cut-Up Demonbeast
25.The Suspiciously Flickering Underwater Flower; Wakaba in Danger
26.I Saw The Doll! The True Identity of the Poison Gas Killer Corps
27.The Teachers are Weird! A School Full of Weirdness
28.The Dark Sea of Space, Wandering Witch Monica
29.Blitzkrieg Magic Battle! A Program of Assassination
30.Don Horror's Son Has Returned to Makuu Castle
31.Listening to the Angel's Song, the Princess Who Became a Doll
32.The Mysterious Underground Maze Target is WX1
33.A New Monster is Born: The Boy Who Picked up an Alien
34.Memories are Tears of Stars: a Fatherless Child, a Motherless Child
35.The Young Lion of Makuu; San Dorva's Opposition
36.The Roadshow of Resentment; The Film Studio is Makuu Space
37.The Funny Tomboy Princess' Earth Adventure Trip
38.The Surrounded Transport Corps; the Righteous Sun Sword
39.When I Returned From School, My House was a Makuu Base
40.The Decisive Battle of the Valley of Doom; You're a Space Sheriff Too!
41.Makuu City is a Battlefield of Men; The Red Hourglass of Life
42.Retsu! Hurry! Dad!
44.The Neck of Don Horror
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